Lord Razzall

1748 days ago

EXPOSE: Lord Razzall, St James House and your crooked 2019 accounts - part 2: Another Ops

I have already explained in great detail how the accounts of St James House (SJH) run b y Lib Dem grandee Lord Tim Razzall, breach IFRS all over the shop and need to be restated. The company’s advisors say they are considering this. While they consider here is another howling and material error for consideration


1755 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast going to town on Lord Razzall and the ludicrous accounts of St James House

I reflect on a week of triumphs with regard to lawyer’s letters, Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG) and TrakM8 (TRAK) and revisit St James House run by Lord Razzall and its quite utterly ludicrous accounts which need major restatements.


1757 days ago

St James House (formerly Boxhill Technologies plc) – still a dog as results show, accounts breach IFRS and mislead big time

Lib Dem grandee Lord Timmy Razzall may have changed the name of Boxhill to St James House (SJH) but this company which has been mired in so much corruption and fraud remains an uninvestable uber dog even by the standards of  the AIM casino. Results earlier this week were covered in bearcast yesterday but perhaps merit further scrutiny. They are shocking, breach IFRS on numerous counts and quite simply aim to decieve. Nomad Allenby should be walking.


1840 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Naughty naughty Lord Razzall (again), another mini bond blow up and yield, reward and risk

I staert with a few thoughts on Eazster and on the hollow words from our wretched Prime Minister Theresa May on protecting Christians who are under attack. I then have a few more words on lying Mail on Sunday journalist limp dick Jamie Nimmo. Finally with a hat tip to Jamie’s paper for breaking another mini bond scandal, MJS Capital, I discuss shamed Lord Razzall and the idea of what a high yield really tells you on a bond, a share or a house.On this day of gioving please make a donation to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. 90% of those who listen almost every day to this podcast are yet to chip in, please correct that HERE!


1921 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lord Razzall fecks off back to the Westminster Swamp but his final numbers from Boxhill are bollocks

In today's podcast I take a detailed look at Boxhill (BOX) and at Yu Group (YU.) - I believe numbers from neither. I ask questions about Staffline (STAF) and its curious statement today. And i also do some number crunching on the living dead, Phontonstar Led (PSL) and have a few thoughts on Independent Oil & Gas (IOG)


2714 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Justin the Clown might upgrade from his cardboard box home in time for Christmas

In this bearcast I start with yesterday's party with my wife's colleagues, the Guardian reading sociology lecturers. I was biting my lip hard. Then it is onto Trakm8 (TRAK) and a general point about acquisitive companies - the specifics of my latest triumph are covered HERE. Then it is onto Cloudtag (CTAG) and a detailed look at the numbers for Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) in terms of when it will run out cash, then onto Boxhill (BOX) and more questions for sleazy Lord Razzall. I then cover Premier Oil (PMO) and the stock that left podcasting share ramper Justin the Clown living in a cardboard box, Andalas Energy (ADL)


2818 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: come on Dad it is not a hard sum!

These old folks they need mental exercise. Crosswords, jigsaws, Soduku, easy questions from their son. But my father fails on the how many days till Glenwick (GWIK) is suspended question. He says his mind is on higher things. Meanwhile I am still traumatised from being seen buying a copy of the Guardian for him. I look at Red Rock Resources (RRR), Glenwick, Leed Resources (LDP), Aquatic Foods (AFG) and China frauds, BoxHill (BOX) and naughty Lord Razzall - how is the bailout placing going your lordship? And I commend the recent work of Daniel Levi (Brokerman Dan) on Mkango Resources (MKA) where the old rogue is bang on the money. Mkango is truly worthless.


2818 days ago

Lord Razzall of Boxhill you are boring me - what are you hiding now you worm?

Lord Timmy Razzall still has not answered the ten questions from Cynical Bear that a man of honour rather than a money grabbing piece of shite would have answered - his silence tells you everything. Instead he has again produced a trading statement from Boxhill Technologies (BOX) which omits all the key data - Lord Razzall luvvie, what are you hiding?


2879 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Boxhill now not an invitation to sell but an obligation - it goes legal

We start with Boxhill (BOX) chaired by Lord Razzall who still refuses to answer 10 questions from Cynical Bear. The company has now gone legal. It is utterly uninvestable. Then I look at Wandisco (WAND) - which schmucks backed its placing today? I also cover FastJet (FJET), Fox Marble (FOX) and Nighthawk (HAWK)


2891 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - sticking it to Mayair, Jupiter Energy and in fact all Australians bar Kylie

In today's podcast I start with a few words on Greece as I head up to the Greek Hovel and the snakes. Then I move through TrakM8 (TRAK), Avanti Communications (AVN) and onto Boxhill (BOX). Lord Razzall: we will give you the day off to compose a resignation (in disgrace) letter, there are two more bombshells for you but they can wait until the weekend. I look at Bushveld (BMN), Jupiter Energy (JPRL) - and what its crisis says about oil companies in general - and finally I spend a good time taking apart Mayair Group (MAYA)


2891 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Boxhill, Avanti, Eden, the race to ZERO

Ho Ho Ho, documents regarding Boxhill (BOX) have now arrived at Sheriff Towers. Can you hear me Lord Tim Razzall, are you sweating yet? I think Boxhill will beat Avanti Communications (AVN) and Eden Research (EDEN) to zero but all three are fighting hard to win and are discussed in detail. I look at Ascent (AST), Fusionex (FXI), Falcon Acquisitions (FAL) and Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL). Woof Woof Mark Gustafson.


2999 days ago

BoxHill Technologies - THREE URGENT Questions for its hapless chairman Lord Razzall

Our series on Boxhill (BOX) has clearly established that this stinking mess is totally uninvestable and that all directors of this company should not sit AIM Casino boards going forward. On that note - just three small additional questions for chairman Lord Razzall on the matter of when did he know that the FCA were about to warn folks against dealing with his company?
